
Tag Archives: target

*Picture Heavy*

Hello Dears,
This is going to be a condensed post. My week has been hectic, let me tell you, my job tires me to no end and challenges me immensely and… I love it! I’m just that kind of girl, I love a challenge.

Speaking of challenges, lack of sleep, whoa, what a challenge. I was so tired the other day (thursday). All I thought about was going home and getting in my bed. I literally had visions of it. Then, the calendar on my iPhone alerted me that I had an event that day. I had tickets to take the kids to the UniverSoul Circus. Oh no, say it ain’t so. Of all days. Today? Really? I completely forgot. I purchased those tickets well over a month ago and it slipped my mind. To top that off, Thursday was my late day at work. I wasn’t getting off until 6. The circus started at 7:30. How could I make this go over well at this point. After work I began a mad dash from one part of town to the next. The twenty- year old picked up the five year old from school. I called home and told the older kids to go in the closet and get an outfit for J, black shorts, black shirt, black sandles. I rushed in the house a sweaty and tired hot mess. J was bathed and dressed. Wonderful! I jump in the shower, with not a clue of what to wear. I ran to the closet and just picked out something that looked comfortable. I really didn’t put any thought into my clothes. Who had time to think. Clothes on, and we’re off.

Lil miss number #5 J wore:
Black tee- Walmart
Black shorts-Walmart
Sandles- the shoe dept
Purse and jewelry- Burlington’s

20120526-105301.jpg this pose and the cardi wrapped around her waste was strictly generated by her, foreal, she is such a fashionista. Lol..

I wore:
Brown Jumper- Wet Seal
Cardigan- Old Navy
Sandles- Target
Earrings, Necklace- JCPenny
Watch- Michael Kors

(I just threw on anything)




We were speeding down the highway, and made it at 7:30 on the dot. First off, if you’ve ever been to the Universoul circus then you’ll know that when I say it was like a big huge party, I’m not joking. This was my first time going and I was not prepared for all the partying, music, dancing, audience participation, line dancing, soul train line, constant interaction. On a Thursday night, after work, dead tired, I was ill prepared. Overall, it was nice. I think the kids were in a state of shock at first. Then they started enjoying it. J was dancing it up, because that’s her thing but after a few hours it was just wearing on us all. At 10:15 pm, the circus was still running strong. I grabbed my kids and said we out! Nobody hesitated because they were all just as tired as I was. It was fun, but heart pumping, screaming excited kids, loud music, foot stomping was just too much for this Mommy on a Thursday night.

20120526-112341.jpg my Son jumped up there and started doing the stanky-leg.. Haha!

20120526-112448.jpgI wish I had better pictures 😦
Me and my clan




After the circus, as a unit we came home, and straight crashed! Lol..
Friday morning, I had to get up for work (still tired) and even managed to somehow look cute! 🙂
I wore:
Silk top- Old Navy
Silk Pants- Forever21
Lace Cardigan- ?
Nude Pumps- Marshall’s
Purse- TJMax
Necklace- JCPenny
Watch-Michael Kors
Bracelets- thrifted


Off work, and ready for the long weekend. Yes! No work til Tuesday. After work, I hooked up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. We ended up going out for crabs and just chilling at my house eating crabs and talking trash. It was a fun evening. And now today!!!
I gotta set this one up.
Thirteen years ago my head was so cloudy, my spirit was low and my faith was shattered, because my Mom had just died. Then on May 26, 1999, God blessed me with a wonderful gift that would stretch me in new ways, resurrect my faith, and lift me higher. DJ came into my life and reminded me that I had so much to live for..
He irritates me often, even challenges my intelligence at times, but the one constant is that he is unconditionally my son. My only son DJ is thirteen years old today, and I’m still his mom. What a blessing!
Happy Birthday to my son. Isn’t he so handsome:


20120526-123618.jpg he was wearing his little suit on Easter!


DJ wears- Suit from grandparents
Button down- the Children’s Place
Cardigan- American eagle kids
Jeans- Abercrombie & Fitch kids
Shoes- Vans
Geek glasses-?


Well folks, that’s it. Sorry for the looonngg post, and the heaavvvyyyy pictures, I was trying to get it in. I’ve got a long day of cookouts, and birthday hoorays, so let me get to it.
I pray everyone has a wonderful memorial day weekend with family, friends, and definitely be safe.

Peace and Blessings,

Hello Dears,
You know how I feel about self empowerment and preservation. So that’s how I’m starting my Friday with encouragement and uplifting to my ladies.. (I know i have a few men readers, well just substitute lady for man, etc.- I care about you guys too!)

Rule #10 for maintaining a healthy you from the inside out:
So,things didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Don’t throw in the towel just because of what happend yesterday. Sometimes yesterday is a great pathway to a major comeback for today!!!!

#11 Don’t let your representative show up. Be yourself. None are perfect and all fall short. Never suppress the person who is inside of you. Be proud. Be brave. Be you. Those who love you don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.

#12 Ladies, you are so brilliant and beautiful. Big, small, short, and tall. Variety is the spice of life. Without you, new life cannot spring forth. God didn’t equip a man to carry the fruit, he equipped him to plant it. Recognize your power, your call and your gift. You are important and you are beautiful.

#13 The same God that brought you through the madness last time is the same God that will bring you through again. His mercy endures forever. He is not through blessing you yet. Let’s claim it, name it, believe it, conceive it, and achieve it. We don’t have to wait til we get it. we can praise him for it right now. Pre-praise by way of faith. He hasn’t forgotten you, keep patient and watch him work.

#14 Find “that thing” inside of you.. You know, the thing you can’t contain, the thing that makes your fibers pulsate. Your gift, your purpose, your call, your desire. Find it, nuture it, share it, and live. Go get yo life!

#15 Don’t get upset when people try to emulate you. Be flattered, for they can try to carbon copy everything about you, except your favor.

Now take that advice and stuff it all the way down inside your pretty girl self. 🙂

I’m wearing
Dress- H&M
Tights, shoes- Target
Shrug- Old Navy
Bracelets, rings, watch
Earrings- Rashidagurl




I had been looking for this dress for months. I couldn’t find it anywhere in my size. In November I went on a shopping trip to New York and I bought it. I was so happy and couldn’t wait to get home and try it on. Imagine me when it didn’t fit!! I then started a massive hunt to find that dress at another H&M. It turned into an obsession Finally months later, I was in H&M for some other thing, and I spotted “my”dress, in “my” size on “my” favorite rack, the clearance. I ended up only paying $7 bucks for it.. I decided to wear it after seeing it hanging up for a while. I got all kinds of compliments on this dress.







I am praying that you all have an awesome Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Peace and Blessings,

It’s amazing the talents that our kids posses and we don’t have a clue. Well. I’m guilty of not knowing a few things. Me, with all my probing and utter nosiness, still managed to be completely unaware that my son is a baby poet. He has a small book that he’s been working on since the beginning of the school year. His teacher sent it to me, with an inclosure detailing how great his writing and poetry had become. It was graded A++ and I was grinning from ear to ear! He got it from his Momma. Finally, one of them takes a little bit of what I have to offer. He was shy about it, but I could sense he really enjoyed the attention, and the acknowledgement of his work. Now I’m in his ear, like hey son, let’s write some poetry! Ha!

There are several tidbits of loveliness in his poems and he agreed to let me post a few of my favorites from his little book.
As the flowers were blooming, so was I. Born in a busy hospital room.
My Mom crying tears of joy.
My Dad, patiently holding her hand.
I came too fast for the doctor, the the way I am- sudden.
To hear my Mom tell it, I was full of life and very happy.
They named me Donte’ Julian. Donte after my uncle and Julian after my great-grandad.
They had a plump baby boy that was smiling 24/7.
They got me just the way I was supposed to be, with a fondness for laughing at the silliest things and being excited and hopeful for the future.
I am
A skipping pebble, hopping off the water.
I am a small swift chipmunk, weaving through the trees.
I am a growing 12 year old boy at the peak of my prime, like the glowing orange sun
I am the busy New York City
I am a speeding cyclone, wrecking the world with my wit and intelligence.
Like an extravagant fireworks show on the 4th of July
I am Donte’
I dream that I was in a place where everything was exciting, colorful, and bright.
Like a huge rainbow
Everywhere I looked I saw children playing and Popsicles melting.
I could forever hear the sound of laughter and joy.
Everything felt so happy and joyful.
Like a breezy summer day.
This land was everyone’s comfort place, an adventure, a wonderland.

Awwww, weren’t those poems adorable. I just love them and all the potential. I ask him if he enjoys writing and he tells me, it’s ok. Naturally, I want him to love it as I do. Anyway, this situation just reminds me that I need to dive a little deeper into the minds of my children. You never know what secret talents they may be harboring. I know that my oldest daughter is an excellent artist, I mean can draw like nobodies business, but she isn’t passionate about it. I use to encourage her in it, and had her in all types of activities geared towards the arts, but as she got older, she strayed away. Lately, I’ve been nagging her about drawing me a cheap fab mom logo. I’m still waiting. Lol..
I know that my 15 year old is very creative in the arts and fashion. She alters almost every piece of clothing she owns in some way or another and it’s always easy on the eyes. The stuff she comes up with is fabulous. Extremely creative. The five year old told me she wants to be on the stage and I believe her. She can dance and sing very well. For those of you who have children, do they have any hidden talents? Some that maybe you weren’t aware of? Perhaps you already know and have been sleeping on it, or you are unaware like I was. As my grandmother would say, “one things for certain, and two things for sure”, It’s time we tap into these young minds and roll out the carpet to carry them to their fullest potential.

Oh yea, notice anything? Anything? Well let me help you out. I have been consistent with my post this past week. Yay me!!! I think it has to do with the fact that my stress level is down a thousand since I left that place I use to work at. I’ve had a lovely week. I’ve been settling nicely into my new role and doing a lot of compliance training and such. A lot of cleaning of my new office as it was truly dusty. I love my new office space though. Next week, I’ll start to hang pictures and artwork so it can start feeling a little more like me. Here are a few pics of the space:


The view from my window


Here’s what I’m wearing today:
Top- TJMax
Pants- Kohl’s
Shoes- Target
Earrings- Shoppers World
Rings- thrifted
Bracelets- payless, shoppers world



Lil Miss 5 had a winter program in school today. She had to wear blue/white, but I didn’t feel like the frilly dress or a skirt, so she wore:
Top- Target
Denim Jacket- Target
Leggins- Old Navy
Shoes- Harijuku Mini by Gwen Stefani

20120217-191530.jpg and last but not least, the poet, wrecking the world with his intelligence and wit, and avoiding the camera as usual. I love my one and only son.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Peace and blessings,

Hello Dears
I’m not doing the stanky leg. I’ll save the stanky leg til Friday. I am however doing the Humpty dance in honor of hump day. Hey, do the Humpty hump. lol..

This post won’t be long. I just wanted to give out a mid-week hump day dose of positivity, hope, and encouragement to whomever may need it. I sure need it, trust me, I be ministering to myself while trying to encourage others.

How was your Valentines day? Mines was wonderful. I have some single friends that wouldn’t even answer the phone yesterday because they didn’t have a “Valentine”. I’m single too, but you know it never entered my mind to break down about it. For me, love comes from a source of different things, people, and circumstance. I woke up yesterday so I know God loves me, my children love me, my family loves me, and so on. I am surrounded by love and I guess that’s why my day was beautiful. I have learned to look at the big things. Although, it would have been beautiful to get a gift, or some other sentiment from a gentlemen suitor, I’m cool with the gifts I received from my kids, from my heavenly father.

Hump day rules for maintaining a healthy you from the inside out:

-You are beautiful, your are important, you are loved. I don’t care what anybody says, you are beautiful.

-Remember you are important, and you are loved.

-It’s obvious that your life has purpose or you wouldn’t have it. Celebrate in the joys, get through the lows, and step up into your future, step up into your purpose.

-Don’t be mistreated, used, or abused. Make a choice to keep negative forces out of your realm. Don’t let the adversary plant him self in your circle.

-Even a tiny bit of faith, the size of a mustard seed is all God needs you to have so he can move on your behalf. Keep the faith.

-Trials happen, distractions may come, set backs may occur, and breakdown may arrive. But know, it will pass, it cannot reside in you forever as long as you push it aside.
Push.. Pray.Until.Something.Happens

“Remember to remain calm in situations, for God has an investment in us. We may have to hit the bottom, and we may even cry, but we will rise. Not because of us, but because of what’s in us!”
Love to you all..

OOTD- I’m wearing:
Blazer- Ann Taylor (gift from Aunt)
Blazer- Thrifted
Shoes- Missoni for Target
Earrings,necklace- shoppers world
Bracelets, rings- F21








Peace and Blessings

WARNING: picture heavy
Hello Dears,
I hope you guys don’t mind, but I wanted to have a celebratory post in honor of my baby girl. Five years ago today I was blessed with a wonderful surprise (and I do mean surprise). Looking back, I can’t imagine my life with out this irresistible, charming, beautiful, fashionable, wise, and spunky little momma.
Happy 5th bday to my baby girl. She is truly a blessing. In celebration of her day, I wanted to do an outfit post of her from the past to the present which shows, this mini diva has been fashionable and chic since her humble beginnings  Lol..

Please enjoy

Everything she is wearing came from baby gap, gymboree, walmart, thrifted, target, old navy, and the children’s place.


















Peace and blessings

Hey Dears…
I miss my blog and have stayed away just a tad bit too long. Forgive me readers, and followers.
I’ve been busy doing stuff.

Being a mom, blogging, reading blogs, studying, trying to get into the word more, work, new work, de-cluttering my life, working my vision board, on top of a host of other things is all like having two full time jobs, seriously! And I needed a minute. Woosahhhh… Lol

I spoke to a blogger friend who was telling me about scheduling future post. Hmmmm, maybe I shall try that. Writing is still my first love and it’s also important to me when folks come here and genuinely reach out to me and offer support, encouragement and that extra push I sometimes need. Thank you all for continuing to read my thoughts, ramblings, & moments of temporary insanity. Lol.. Love you guys!! Muah xoxo

You must not know about me, but im sort of a Jack-e of all trades. There are so many things I’ve been blessed with the talent to do. I will begin to show more of those things as my blogging journey continues. One of the things I love is writing poetry. I’m definitely sensitive about it, and I’m more private with it as well. I’ve had secret journals filled with poetry since the age of fourteen. Well, little by little and bit by bit, I’ll allow a glimpse to emerge from time to time of some recent poetry. I say it’s time to break out. Take a look below:

Very deep within, my soul cries out Hallelujah
For I’ve tried life, on my terms, sinking deeper and deeper in sin…
I was lost, and God rescued me from the bowels of my own destruction.
Crazy, depressed, hazy, and blinded by my own selfish desires.
Used, abused, shattered, and cut off, a disguise of my own false existence…
Very deep within, my soul cried out, save me…
And he did.
Now I can breathe the breath of life
I can live, I can laugh, I can sing
My refuge, my strong tower, my knight and shinning armor.
My King plucked me from the bowels of my own despair and welcomed me with open arms.
Oh my soul, from very deep within cries out Hallelujah
the end..

Let me know what you guys think, and if you’d like me to post more in the future for you guys to read.

I haven’t really had time for outfit post. The last one was a little over a week, and I didn’t even post it. Shame, shame, shame on me!
I wore:
Top: Old Navy
Jeans- Target
Blazer- thrifted
Shoes- rainbow
Hoops, necklace, bangles- Claire’s, F21
Clutch- shoppers world
Peacoat- Target







As you can see, my natural hair is really growing alot. It’s getting on my nerves and I’m quite board with it, so I braided it up. I haven’t taken any outfit pics since I’ve had the braids, but here’s a quick look at them



Sooooo what do you think about the braids? People have told me that it changes my whole look. I haven’t worn braids in about 10yrs so it’s a little change for me as well. With my hair being natural I have to find more protective styles to wear in the future.

Well guys, I hope you all are having a great weekend. Plenty of football going on in my house. I can’t wait to see my team bring it home. Go Ravens!!!!

Peace and Blessings,

Ho hum bum

It’s just one of them days…

Yea, that’s right! It may sound cliche-ish and a few other articles could have possibly started a post off the same way. Well… sue me. Don’t take it personal, but I feel like belting out Monica’s popular and very relevant tune. That’s right, just five days into the New Year and here I go with my stuff. Well, I’m having a “me” moment, all up in my head. It started as I was sitting at my desk working and minding my own business. My co-worker comes in and starts having life chat with me. The chat was flowing well, we chuckled a little, talked about our kids, and our lives, our age and hitting the next big milestone since were both the same age. And it dawned on me, just as sure as I mouthed the words out loud, that I will be turning the big “40” in about 8 months. Not that I didn’t know this, but it’s something about 2012 that makes it more real. At first, I was good saying, I’ll be forty next year, no worries. But somehow saying, I’ll be forty THIS year makes it feel….different.

This is a new feeling, I’ve never experienced before. I’m slightly panicked. Lawdy Jesus, what is wrong with me.

A story comes to mind.

Some years back, a close friend had turned forty. We are exactly 10 years apart so I was thirty at the time. Well, she appeared to be embracing turning forty very well. She planned a party, had excitement and then when her birthday came, she woke up in a funk! She wouldn’t answer any calls; she stayed in bed and would not get up. Later in the day, she finally answered me after I rang her phone off the hook to the 10th power. When I asked her what was going on, she sounded like she was having some sort of breakdown. I told to cut it out and get out of the bed. She told me that she could not. She was explaining how she felt, how her youth was gone, and I just didn’t understand. I kept saying, you are beautiful, you still look young, and it just wasn’t working. She was even talking about not showing up to her own party. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to get her out of bed and back to reality. I sat down and wrote her a beautiful poem about how important her life was, telling her all the wonderful things about herself that she had somehow managed to forget. I framed the poem, took it to her. She read it, cried, hugged and thanked me and just like that, her funk was over! She jumped up, began to prepare for her party and did the thing hard like a rock star! We had a blast. I never understood why my friend had those feelings or the mini breakdown until… NOW.

By nature, I’m analytical, and have been known on occasion to over analyze. In any event, I want to know why I’m feeling like this. I’m eight months shy of my birthday and already, I’m feeling some type of way. I know it sounds like craziness! Don’t judge me.

There could be a few reasons why I’ having a bit of anxiety about it. I can’t over think it, let me just say it:

1. My mom passed away when she was young. (44)

2. My mom’s mom passed away in her early forty’s.

3. My mom’s grandmother also passed away in her early forty’s.

4. I’m not married

5. I’ve never been married

6. The fear of running out of time.

Well, there you have it. I think these factors are key components of my feelings towards my next birthday. Don’t get it twisted, I’m not trying to end it or anything, and I thank God for my life thus far, and for my youthful look and feel. Such a blessing. I am human though, and I wonder how many others have felt like this, and how they coped. I’m pretty sure I’ll snap out of this craziness by tomorrow or something, but for now, it’s just one of them days.

Enough of that…

I do have an outfit or two to post. My New Years eve outfit was nothing spectacular. I kept it simple, as I’ve been finding myself leaning towards the simple lately and liking it . We went to a kiddie party earlier in the day, and spent the evening at watch night service. Church service was awesome, and just the perfect way to spend my last night of 2011. What a praise fest we had.

I wore:

Sweater- Target

Faux leather pants- Amsterdam Boutique

Shoes- Burlington

Clutch- shoppers world

Earrings- Rashidagurl

Bracelets- Forever21

Necklace- Lori’s

#4 is the only one who doesn’t mind posing for the camera. She’s a natural. Four is wearing:

Sweater dress- gift from G-ma

Tights- H&M

Faux Leopard Jacket- Children’s place

shoes- Target











I know Miss Thing is a mess!!

Hope you all are having a good new year thus far.

Until next time, Peace and Blessings,

Hello Dears,
What a year it’s been. Filled with highs and lows, blessings, and lessons. The lessons haven’t all been easy, and I’ve fought some of them tooth and nail..but God.

The year gave me some amazing discoveries, new challenges, new relationships, a few heartbreaks, some healing of old wounds, and closed some doors that had been opened far too long.

My children are growing up, they are beautiful, smart and talented. They push me to the brink and pull me right back up
with a smile. This year, they’ve shown me some things, helped me face difficulties, and truly solidified for me that parenting is the hardest job on the planet. With that being said, I’m honored to have been chosen. I love my children, they are a gift and I’m anxious, nervous, and excited to travel new beginnings with them. They are everything!

My relationship with God is greater than ever. My faith-walk has been tested, but God has sustained me, and kept me through some really trying times. I’ve fouled up, screwed up, fell down, and all things in between, but he still favors me. I can’t thank him enough for all he’s done for me. Some may proceed with caution, because I am a Jesus freak!!! Who cares though, man didn’t keep me, God did. I had to tell y’all about it too, I’ve had an amazing year in Christ.

This year a part of my family that I was sort of disconnected from become hugely connected. My grandfather started a family bible study for our family all around the world. We all get together on Saturday mornings via phone to pray, study the bible, life talk, laugh, cry, and learn about each other. This has been challenging for me in it self because one of the things about me that I’m breaking free of is my guarded self. I’m not use to sharing myself so freely, and basically putting my feelings on display. One of my cousins has always called me “secret squirrel” because I’m known for divulging nothing! Lol.. It’s quite ironic though, which brings me to one of the things I’m most proud of this year.
My blog!!
It’s like finding my voice in a world full of chaos. How does one who is so quiet and guarded with their self, share their self intimately, on the world wide web at that? I have to say it’s God. I feel lead to discuss or open up about various things. Trust me, I’m still guarded, and my circle is still small, but I’m evolving more and more each day. I have fallen in love with my blog. Well, love/hate.. Hahaha, I’ve told myself to throw in the towel because it seems people are sometimes not very receptive. I have to stick at though because I have received several emails, and inbox messages on Facebook from women telling me I’m an inspiration, that I have helped them, and that they love my blog. Me? An inspiration? This humbles me beyond what words can describe. That pushes me to quiet that voice in my head that tells me to give it up. I’m blogging for myself, for you all, and for the glory of God.

People who visit my blog should be able to tell, straight from the gate, that writing is what I love. I’ve learned some awesome things about myself simply from blogging. I’ve made new friends, and opened up a whole new world of dialect amongst women who I otherwise wouldn’t have been connected to. That is nothing short of amazing, and I plan on continuing this writing journey well into the next year and beyond.

At this point, my love life is still basically non-existent. When I tell people I’m single, they never believe me. I’ve heard it all, “your too pretty to be single”, “to great of a person to be single”, etc, etc. Well if brains and beauty were all it took, I would have been boo’d up by now. It’s just not the time. I’ve tried letting love find me and all that. I went searching for the perfect relationship, and found myself instead. I’ve been enjoying me too. That day will come for me though, and when it does, the universe might shake! I’ve seen this hashtag on twitter that says #dear-future-husband, and I see people writing all sorts of things. Well, I’ve never played along, but if I did, mines would simply say, #dearfuturehusband, I wish you hurry up! Lol..

P.S. Outfit post from yesterday that I fell asleep before posting, well atleast here are the pictures! Lol.. I’m terrible

(afterwork yesterday I got together with a friend who I had been missing. We kept scheduling, canceling outings and finally he said, no! This year will not pass and we don’t see each other. So we went to cheesecake factory, and what a great time I had. I love my friends!
Here’s what I was wearing:
Dress- H&M
Blazer- thrifted
Belt- Christmas gift from G-ma
Tights- H&M
Shoes- Missoni for Target
Rings, earrings, bracelets- H&M
Clutch- shoppers world









Happy New Year my Dears. I wish nothing but the best for you all. Be safe tonight and blessed. I’m going to be in church, and I’m excited about that, because I have come through a heck of a year. Pray for me guys, as I pray for all of you.

Peace and blessings,

Today is going to be crazy hectic for me. I am writing this post early morning but I have a strong suspicion that it will not see the light of day. Not this one anyway. I have a late morning meeting and I am ripping and running covering some last minute things. All is well though because for some reason, I work great under pressure. Ha!

Now, about my outfit of the day. I last wore this thrifted blazer here and wait a minute, also here . Actually, I’m pretty sure there is another post I have worn this blazer as well. So you get the picture, it’s pretty safe to assume that this thrifted Kasper blazer is one of my favs. I love the color, the feel of it, and the vintage appeal. The dress I’m wearing is another great find from the thrift store. I got this one back in May and it’s acutally a summer dress but it has a nice lining, and I felt like I could make it work for winter. So, I did just that. I love the brown polka dots. I took the belt off the dress and wrapped it around the blazer to give it a cohesive look. These shoes are the business! I love leopard or any kind of animal print. So I had to pair these shoes with this dress. What do ya think?
I’m wearing:
Target Merona dress- thrifted
Blazer- Thrifted
Brown Tights- Target
Shoes- Amsterdam Boutique
Bag- Ross Dress for less
Necklace- Lori’s
Earrings- Rashidagurl








And… How about that NeNe on last nights episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta talking about “vintage is used, I cannot wear somebody else’s clothes”. Like, eeeeelll, that’s nasty. Really NeNe? Come on now Flossy, you know good and well you have worn thrifted clothes before. She trips me out. So hoity toity now. I’m not really a NeNe Leakes fan. I use to adore her style and her keeping it real persona, but my soul is truly irked by people who constantly, incessantly brag about their material belongings. That is tacky! The whole I’m way to good to do vintage thing threw me for a loop. Excuse me, would you happen to have any grey poupon? Haha… NeNe, girl-bye!

Now check this out, my four year old daughter knows everything their is to know about working my iphone. I’ve had it for about a year, and she’s always worked it with great precison from the start. This morning she was playing music and singing along. I heard her blaring in a high falsetto, “I-ain’t- got-nothing-if-I-ain’t- got-youuuuuu” she went on to say something about 1+1 equals 2 and so forth. I silently listened and I was impressed that she knew EVERY word, the riffs, the runs, and hooks. She knew when to hit the high notes, she knew when to fade in and out. I’m thinking, maybe there is some talent here. She definately loves music as do all my children. That is something that we were just born with. Our strong connection to music goes back a long way. So many members of my family have outstanding musical ability. My grandmother is actually a very accomplished gospel singer so I know this lineage has something to do with our love of music. My little girl is always singing. I didn’t even know I had Beyonce on my IPod. Who downloaded that? Hmmmmm, I’m not all into Beyonce like that, I think she’s talented, but just… Well, I’m not going there on this post. I certainly KNOW it wasn’t me who downloaded “4”. Anyhoo, me and baby girl had a lil convo about it, and here’s how it went down. (completely true story)

Me: So how do you know all the words to that song?”
Lil Mamma: Because I just do because I just learned on my own.
Me: I guess you really like Beyonce huh?
Lil Mamma: Yes, and how about you Mommy, do you like her?
Me: ummm yea just a little. But tell me, what is it about her that you like?
Lil Mamma: I like her because she can sing, she can sing real, real good. I just love her voice. And I love all her songs!


I wasn’t no more good. I fell out. LOL. She was so serious about that thing. I asked her did she want to take singing lessons, and she told me, maybe but that she definitely wants to take dance classes. Ok little one. So, I guess it’s time. It’s very important that as parents we tap into our kids full potential and get them going in areas that they seem to have interest in, so they can gain more development in that area. It makes you wonder, what if certain gifts weren’t natured or given room to grow in certain individuals while they were kids. As parents, I think it’s so imperative that we help our children reach their full potential educationally, spiritually, mentally and nurture their talents and other natural abilities.

Peace and Blessings
(singing and dancing in front of the camera)





Hello Dears.. I’ve missed you, as well as my blog. I have been doing so much that I just needed to breathe. Someone gave me great advice to recharge and refuel, so I’ve been trying to practice that principle. I think I’m good to go now so, leggo. Forgive me if this runs long, but I gotta catch you guys up. (warning: this post is kinda picture heavy)
Ok last week, I was a tad bit preoccupied. My guest post over at soshewrites had been been birthed, and I was excited about it. The piece I wrote was so much a part of me, that I was a little nervous to reveal it. I had to be true about it though, so fears had to be pushed to the back. I’ve had good responses about the post and I’m grateful for all the lovely comments folks left me. The blog host Miss Dre was very good about the whole thing and encouraged me tremendously. I appreciate her giving my ideas a voice on her blog. It’s not often that you see women truly in support of other women and their work so this was a refreshing breath of air. Thanks Dre!!
My week at work was a doozy. I was blown on so many levels. All I can say is, the devil be busy! All week long. I almost gave in to exactly what my flesh was feeling but then, I wouldn’t have had a job. I thank the holy spirit for putting me in check. I began to realize what was going on. My spirit was under attack. We would be here all day if I start on that story, so that will have to be for another day. Don’t get it twisted, I’m thankful that I have a job and I don’t want to spend time complaining since I’m gonna get my job-working behind right up tomorrow and punch that clock! Lol.. I took several outfit pics through the week and wasn’t happy with them, so I won’t upload those. Well this one doesn’t look so bad.
I wore: Stripped tank- Target, Cardi- Old Navy, belt- thrifted, Skirt- old thrift, Tights- Target, Boots- Target


Yesterday, I went on a shopping trip to New York. I had a fab time, and we kinda shopped til we dropped. I didn’t buy a whole lot, but everybody else on the trip acted like I bought the whole town. I left with three tops, a coat, one dress, one pair of pants, and a pair of shoes. See, not alot at all. Of course I purchased a few gifts for friends and fam, and a few for the kiddies too. Forever21, Old Navy, and H & M were totally different and so much better than the ones in my city. I even got to visit the the beautiful Zara store. Aaaahhh, it was all so awesome. We went to Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and China Town. It was sooooo crowded. New York is widely overpopulated like, nobody should be single. Ever. It’s so many choices, that I just don’t see it happening. Anyway, it was an entire day of shopping and I got back home about midnight. Here are a few pics of me and my shopping gear. (gotta be dressed comfy for long shopping)




For the past several weeks my pastor has been teaching this series on faith, finances, and family. I didn’t want to miss out on that message today, so I made sure that I was getting up no matter how tired I was. I decided to shop my closet for an outfit. I’m learning through this series that I don’t always have to buy a new outfit, or wear new clothes. Trust me, I have more than enough choices in my wardrobe, so I’m gonna try this shop my closet approach for a while. True, I did purchase some new items yesterday, but I didn’t go ham like I’ve been known to do in the past. I’m gonna try to keep my purchases to a minimum. I need to gain financial freedom. When I do purchase, I want it to be smart purchases. I shop thrift stores, and clearance racks, and I will discount to the end of time. But even still, that can add up. The fact of the matter is, I have some debt, and I need to gain freedom over that. I’m so on this Family Finance series because it is so where I am right now. I’m noticing a shift in my life in so many areas and I am gladly open to receive the change. It’s good to evolve, and I’m ready. So on to my blog. It’s going to be so diverse and I just hope you all stick with me through my ramblings, motherhood woes, life lessons, and other things according to Dee. Buckle up guys, it’s gonna be an interesting ride. Now on to my outfit for the day. I shopped in the archives for everything except the coat and $1 scarf from new york. Yep $1 and I love it

I’m wearing:
Denim Top- Ross dress for less
Denim skirt- Old Navy (5 yrs old)
Blazer Anne Taylor- thrifted
Belt- Forever21
Tights- Target
Booties- Bare Feet
Coat- New York
Shades- D & G
Bag- TJMax
Necklace- Lori’s
Bracelets, rings- H & M, F21
Watch- Thrifted
Earring- Rashidagurl (luv,luv, luv them)


These indoor pics might be a little blurry or dark. (sorry)




Terrible me didn’t snap any pics of the kids either. Here’s one I took of baby girl at school.

And another of twenty doing what she does all the time, heading to work. Poor child is a full time college student and recently just down graded from two jobs to one. I can’t say I don’t admire her hustle because I do. She’s determined and hardworking. I’m glad she cut back to just one job though, cause she be looking worn out.

Forgive me for the long post and ramblings, but this is what happens when one doesn’t post for a week! Next week, I’m challenging myself to post everyday or atleast every other day. You guys, my readers are everything to me. Stay tuned.

Peace and blessings,