
Tag Archives: work wear

She said to me,

“you aren’t everything that you think you are. These white people don’t care anything about you and all you do”.

This declaration came from my supervisor after a meeting where the manager, medical director and director of operations raved about me and the ideas that I had presented to the table. It wasn’t the first time they came to me instead of her, it wasn’t the first time that I was asked for my opinion, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. That was the beginning of the end for me and Miss Supervisor. Almost everyday since then has been a challenge working with her. Sadly, she dislikes me because I’m articulate, likable, knowledgable, and I get the job done. She would be sweet as pie when the higher ups were within view, and when they weren’t she was a different person. A wolf in sheeps clothing if I’d ever seen one. I don’t know why but she is threatened by my expertise and it’s despicable. Instead of her utilizing me to the fullest which would in turn only be great for the company, she exhausted herself trying to stifle me. It really didn’t work, because those who should have turned to her, sought me out instead. I didn’t ask for it, they just came my way. My years in healthcare span over thirteen years and I certainly wasn’t just going through the motions, I have been busy equipping myself for a time such as this. I pride myself on patient centered patient care. I’m big on finding solutions, solving problems, it’s just what I do. I’m not doing anything unless I give it my all, and Miss Supervisor had her own shortcomings, issues with race, prejudice, and she attacked me as a result of her own selfish ambitions and insecurities. Most of us have a character defect or two that we aren’t very proud of, but do we bring that into the workplace? Miss Supervisor sure does. We’ve been going back and forth for two years, never seeing eye to eye. She’d come at me sideways, and I’d treat her the same way. On any given day, you can catch her in a heated brawl with another employee. She manipulates them by saying things like, “black women need to stick together”. All the while, she makes it virtually impossible to stick with anything she mandates. Despicable. About a year ago, I stopped reacting to her in that Ra-Ra sort of way, as I knew it was what she wanted. She would push your buttons and then suddenly turn into a victim when you reacted to her injustice. I have never, ever met a person like her in the workplace. That thing is a special breed. At long last, I realized, it wasn’t worth it for me and this woman would continue to make my work life a living hell. I prayed about it, and asked God to open new doors for me. He did just that, and next week, a new chapter for me will begin. I am so excited about my new job and even more excited about God’s perfect timing and how wide open he kicked this door for me. I remained faithful to that job for as long as I could, and although I’ll miss the relationships that were forged there, I will not miss the constant bickering, the manipulation, the abuse, and the unprofessionalism. I carry God wherever I go, even still the devil is busy lurking on every corner. I’m so glad that I had my armor protecting me always. I am like a flower, and my natural ability is to bloom. I stopped blooming. My time there is up. God moved me out after my assignment was complete. One thing I know, my mark was left, and they will never forget this lil firecracker with the great work ethics, toting a briefcase full of professionalism, motivation, and skills long enough to stretch from here to the nile river. They’ll never forget me!


I’m sorry it took me a little while to post but I have been a little wrapped up. Tying loose ends and such. Busy preparing myself mentally for my new job. Anyway, I’m back! Lol..
FYI: these braids are making their last appearance, tonight it’s going down. I’ve had enough. They are itching like crazy.I will show you my growth and my new hairstyle tomorrow. The natural hair journey continues. I love you guys and thank you for your continued support. To the ones that emailed me to check and see what’s up with the post, I appreciate ya!

I’m wearing:
Red/brown sweater- thrifted(not shown)
Belted Peacoat- gift
Gray slacks- Burlington
Brown pumps- Target
Briefcase- thrifted (what a steal $6.99)
Earrings- Rashidagurl






Peace and Blessings

After work I went to a local mall. I hadn’t been in their for a good five minutes before I was bombarded by a youth. So this kid, I give him him twelve or thirteen yrs old, walks up to me and says, “excuse me, can I borrow a dollar so I can get something to drink”? I said borrow? And being that I don’t know you, when will I ever see you again to get paid back? He chuckles and says,”your right, can you buy me a soda please”. I eyeballed him, suspiciously of course, and Shorty just wasn’t letting up! I didn’t say a word, but couldn’t believe his boldness. I laughed at myself as I told him in my stern mother voice, “boy, go head and get something to drink and scram”! Go home and do some schoolwork!! He thanked me and went on his way. My, my, my… The youth of today! I followed him as I mentally scanned the whole perimeter of the store. (I’m always on point)
I couldn’t help my natural motherly instinct as I wanted to know more about him. Where did he live? Where were his parents? Is he homeless? Is he hungry? So many thoughts scanned my mind, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. He was harmless. The soft spot in my heart told me so, and so did the honesty and innocence I saw in his eyes. I went on about my ventures and even managed to get some cute earrings, and hairbows from Dots that were marked down to $3, $2, and $5- Score!!! Yet, I couldn’t stop thinking about the youth who I had silently named “Shorty”.. It’s remarkable how bold these youth are. So different they are from yesterday’s past. I don’t know what’s in the water these days, but I sure won’t be drinking from that fountain!

Here’s what I wore to work:
Anne Klein Black and white pencil dress- thrifted
Liz Claiborne cardigan- thrifted
Black opaque tights- Marahalls
Shoes- Ross
Butterfly bracelet- gift
Earrings- H & M




